RPGM - Completed - Lethargic Angel Lacks Credits in the Sexual Activity Department... [1.093_MOD1] [Nakayoshi Honpo]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    For a carnival like porn game the rides were quite nice with a fair amount of variety and good writing. It's just a decent overall carnival with many solid scenes. The characters were really good and actually had some dimensions. The ignorance of the main character is useally a bit of a annoyance personally but the character was well written enough and the scenes made enough sense to overcome that sorta peeve. And well having the goddess and other folks helped in this area. All of them highlighted your own strengths as the supreme 247 grindset angel that you were always supposed to be.

    I enjoy.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game, with lots of H content and which is easily accessible.

    The only problem holding it back is bugs, there are a few and some of them can't be resolved without starting back from the beginning.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Compared to other "walk around and collect scenes" RPGM games this game is god-tier. But at the end of the day, that's all this game is. Walk around and collect scenes.

    Story 5/10

    Mika is a lazy angel. So she's sent down to town to collect "love", whatever that is. The town's been seeing higher sexual crime rates and she suspects it's the sex cult. Turns out the sex cult is lead by a pretty chill leader who wants to help.

    The cause of the disturbance is a broken artifact that's been emitting sexual waves. Mika, being lazy, lets her incompetent coworker Bell try to fix the machine. This turns out to be a mistake as Bell uses some anime book to try to repair the machine.

    The machine goes haywire but Mika evolves to a high angel and saves the day. But she's been sexing it up so she lets a little bit of the sex juice leak for her own purposes at the end of the game.

    I like how Mika's competent but lazy and that really shows through. Her laziness shows up in dialogue where she's unwilling to do things or tries to take shortcuts. Even the fact that the machine went haywire is due to Mika's laziness and not wanting to try to fix the artifact herself.

    Gameplay 3/10

    Standardish RPGM walk around and collect scenes. The one unique element is some Who Wants To Be A Millionaire trivia mini-game which you can thankfully turn off.

    The map size isn't too large nor confusing. The size/length of the game is also just about right for the story and gameplay.

    One real downer is the lag. The game lags. I have no idea why an RPGM game whose most complex feature is displaying images lags. The lag is most prevalent in menus such as when customizing Mika's clothes.

    The clothes customization is nice. It doesn't really affect the gameplay but it's fun enough to do.

    Art 7/10

    The art is quite nice. I absolutely love the thick eyeliner look in anime. Mika's pretty and the rest of the cast of angels are cute as well.

    The boobs are... well, realistic. If you take all of Mika's clothes off, they sag. And you know what? I appreciate that level of detail. Similarly with the other angel's boobs, they're very varied. One's a washboard while another has larger boobs than Mika.

    As this is a scene hunting game, there's a decent number of scenes. And the dialogue isn't a snoozefest nor too short either. The number of variance CGIs is not very high but this game makes it work.

    Overall 5/10

    Not an amazing experience but a very well made game. I liked how the plot tied into why everyone's so sexualized as opposed to a town where everyone's a deviant for no good reason.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd rate this game 4/5 stars.

    When I'm playing a porn game, I want to see as many scenes with as much variety as frequently as possible, with sensible and engaging gameplay to weave it together. Many devs focus too much on gameplay or only on scenes, and this game is neither.

    I would rate this game a perfect 5/5 stars if there were only a better number of scenes. Otherwise, I consider this game a perfect example of what I want from a game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is THE GAME
    The artstyle is amazing, the character customization is huge, the CGs are amazing.
    But there is cons, such as:
    -customization only works with three rape scenes at night
    -the game is short((
    -riddles is stupid, thx god you can turn them off
    -the lust progression is happening, you can see it in the menu, but other than that you cant feel it at all

    Really amazing game, that lacks just a couple small things to become perfect
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    To sum up my experience playing this game, I would say that it delivers what it promises, and then some.

    A lazy angel that kinda just goes with the flow, both in terms of dealing with the underlying problem causing all the events in the game, and with the sexual aspect itself. Then add to that her two fellow angels, a ditzy, forgetful, brash "fallen" and a young honour student, clumsy in dealing with others. Above them is their boss/teacher, always ready to help humans in any way possible.

    I shall begin with the thing that made me truly enjoy the game. The porn game portion of it. I love the bodies. ACTUAL DIFFERENT BODY TYPES holy shit, in this day and age? No copy and pasted figurines, just shrunken or stretched, with bags of silicone masquerading as tits. No, unique, memorable characters, I genuinely love the tits on all the characters, pity that the fortune teller has no scenes, the fact that the protagonist's body parts change with her "progress" is hot as hell, there are so many customisations, options to choose from, be it pubic hair, the shape and colour of her nipples, even the state of her vagina depending on the amount of sex she has had. And you get to choose how she looks during the scenes, I cannot stress the importance of pubic hair in terms of my own enjoyment of porn games, I find fully shaved intimate areas extremely boring, although I do find leg-hair and full on, unhinged jungle everywhere repulsive so...balance is important : ), and what 3D authors (western) try to sell as "hairy" is, most of the time, just pure sadness and misery. I am fully aware that there are people who prefer the opposite and that is where the option to choose comes into play. The usual "state of her body" menu is there as well, with levels and progression, her reactions to different sexual actions, even her profile with body measurements and some character flavour, some pregnancy content, some other fetishes, certain scenarios are extremely hot, for example a rather fresh take on the hypnosis trope, all the characters get a decent amount of scenes, and even though there are no animations, the translation (thanks for the effort JustXuX, much appreciated) is at least decent, even made me read some of the story, which ensures that the scenes do not get killed by the usual mtl induced nonsense. No extreme fetishes, a small amount of a bestiality innuendo but nothing ever truly happens, some piss, branding, but no scat/gore/vore/ntr/cuck/bbc and other aids, so huge plus for that.

    The gameplay is passable, usually, you just have to do a few events, before a main event gets unlocked, no grinding, you always get a new "stage", so no repeats are necessary, there is an option to buy the "love points" for a measly amount of coins, the "battles" consist of trivia questions, slightly focused on Japan, but not overtly so, the kind soul that translated this provided us with both a walkthrough, and the answers to the quiz, if, for some reason, you don't want to cheat or use the ingame items that solve everything for you. Some random "encounters" during the night, again with an option to turn them off right from the beginning of the game, no need to finish it first. In general, a really friendly system for some one-handed gameplay.

    In conclusion, as the time passes and I go through more and more porn games, I am slowly drifting away from anything 3D, especially made by western developers. I am not interested in a spineless bitch of a walking dildo pretending to be a protagonist, who gets shared by a cackle of strong, independent, ungrateful cunts, and that is what I usually find when I play something that came out in the recent years, with that said a game like Lethargic Angel brings me joy, and just to be sure that I got that point across, the female bodies in this game are exactly to my liking, when you take off her bra in the changing room menu, her tits slightly sag and "spread", just some small details like these, but they work like a charm on me. Personally prefer female bodies in games/art(hentai and so on) that have..."flaws". Definitely recommended! It is up there with some of my favourite games I've ever played.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Aside from the annoying mini game (which is skippable), mid story and some lack of NPC reaction on clothing, i can say this game is a solid 9.5/10, the whole game is a pack of fetishes and you should, No, have to explore them all. Because every single h-event in this game has full quaility of a fappable hentai doujinshi im telling you. I played many h games and felt bored lately, but this game really revived the long lost exciement. As expected of a JP dev, solid work, they've done this game very well.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, I turned off the quizzes to enjoy this game. There is an interesting overall plot to follow and it does end, though in an open-world sort of scenario; and there is a nice variety of stuff happening to the main characters.

    The game's biggest fumbles are:
    1) While becoming more lewd does allow you to go around completely naked and characters react to you being more lewd -> they don't specifically interact with you for being naked. One specific character, however, does react to you being filthy.
    2) The most intense NONSENSE that happens: in the hypnosis hotel. Without spoilering much, the game kinda... skips showing you all the weird stuff you're supposed to be doing while under hypnosis. It's very much "tell don't show" which is a shame because I wanted to see it, at least once. This is especially on one certain character's involvement in making the place even more absurdly nonsensical - but you get one cutscene one time and that's it.

    Still, I'd recommend it.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Runner's Fate

    It's a good game, don't get me wrong but: It lags excessively to the point that its just not pleasant to play with.

    Good variety of customisable costumes and scenes. There's a savegame in the thread if you need to unlock all of it at once. Warning once again: You will likely lag to death.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Trully a good hentai game, not by it gameplay (just disable the quizz option) but by his hentai part. The customisation have a lot of option and sex scene situation and kink are pretty original. And the best in that is that there is a lot of content. Maybe the game need a little polishing (there is some bug, but don't impact the experience) and the true ending is a little strange to get (game seems to crash but it is attended to restart the game)
    Trully a great fap, I recommend it and I will other game of this studio
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It pains me to give this such a low score, but even with the quizzes turned off, theres just not a lot here (With the quizzes on this is a 0/10). I'm usually not one to just skip through dialogue but this was far too much of a slog to not start skimming. The corruption is also pretty terrible, literally the first thing that happened is walked into someone's house and she got raped. The main thing this game has going for it is the art, but if thats all you care about you're probably better off reading a doujin or something.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The good:

    - Rich of customization, hair, clothes and accessories.
    - Cute character
    - Level-tiered event with good creativity such cowmilking and such.
    - Vivid in term of color.
    - Build-in cheat

    The bad:

    - No "interesting" quest, just wander around and get fucked, At least the CG event cure my boredom in game.
    - Lagging as hell, some menu even need pressed multiple time to work and navigating the character like driving flat tire car.
    - The battle system quite suck, no way to see enemy hp.

    2 star because peformance issue hit hardest, even sprite animation often not moving, lagging player movement and menu interaction.

    Dissapointing enough, the idea of the game is good but execution and delivery of game is sadly mess up.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    For me this game is a love and hate relationship.
    Obviously the art is the main selling point and it shows, but everything else feels average at best, with almost no gameplay, no story, and on top of that the game is a buggy mess.
    You should play it if you don't care about story and the art looks appealing to you because you'll have a good time, otherwise it's just not worth it.
  14. 3.00 star(s)



    The artsyle is really great but there's no much variation between each scene progression, like it's very often just a bit more semen and the action is a bit more intense but that's it, there's no more action compared to the first scene and so the reward feels very underwhelming.

    The corruption progress is very off too, like it goes way too fast right at the beginning.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a rollercoaster of good and bad.

    + Competent artstyle with a good paperdoll
    - Saggy breasts, mediocre clothing, events constantly messing with paperdoll selections, and only a small combination of them are visible on various sprites/CGs

    + Pretty well developed world
    - Absolutely idiotic characters, with random bits of weirdly dark writing.
    Hearing someone talking about how they are being sold into slavery for human experimentation is kiiinda a turn off, ngl.

    - Gameplay dominated by absolutely random quizes and running around
    + At least the quizes can be turned off?
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    GG Jack

    With a single action, this game goes from a 2 stars to a 5 stars.

    As other reviews mentions, this game is a quiz, BUT, if you go into the house where you start, the one with a crystal in front, and talk to the girl (pink figure) to the far right, in front of the door of the room you use to sleep (the "concierge") you can set it to simply skip every single quiz as if you did them right, and that changes the game.

    This is the hentai game with the biggest number of clothing customizations you can do. While they only show in some scenes, some customizations also change the appearance of your character in the world that affects other scenes.

    There are 3 types of scenes:
    -Hard CG (will change the clothing of your character and isn't affected by how you customized)
    -Soft CG (will be affected by your customization, mostly harassment scenes)
    -Side sprite (just the sprite of the girl inside rooms in sex scenes, affected by some but not all customizations)

    The art is really good and you can set up to 3 titles creating a complex the title you want to the main girl (Like: "Submissive Masochist Cumdump" as 3 separate words)

    It also has 2 separate types of sex attributes and a divination room if you get lost in the main story of where you need to go.

    While it is definitely not a perfect game, the things it does right makes it more than deserving of 5 stars.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    It's average. The sellingpoint is the artstyle, which features a slightly more "natural" look to the bodies. There is also a wide variety in scenes.

    The world-design and the gameplay-systems aren't bad, and the game has the heroine-game body developement-system of leveling up "bodyparts". There is some voice-acting for the scenes as well, but where things kind of start to fall apart is pacing...

    This is ostensibly a corruption game, but with random scene-placement and pretty much no player-agency in how or when scenes play out. You will see your first sex-scene just from walking around the map and talking to a random NPC, and it robs the character-developement from much of the impact it would have had. This is another "scene-collector"-game, where the gameplay-systems that are there are kind of rarely used to set up the scenes, and the escalation of the sex scenes starts from full-on rape straight from the beginning. So instead of proggression, you have a bunch of vignettes.

    In short, it's another game made by an artist, though with a bit of competent programming behind it as well. (although there are noticable frame-drops within indoor-areas)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    v. 1.093

    This game is a 3,5/5 but I'll vote 5/5 because it need some love in the ratings right now.

    Let's get straight to the point:

    -Nice Art;
    -Nice Pixel Art that reflects what you're wearing;
    -Insane amount of customization
    -A lot of scenes with different levels of lewdness
    -4 heroines with scenes
    -Profile and Body Condition tabs where you can see more details about the MC
    -Skippable battles and unlockable gallery if you're here only for the nudes
    -Cameo of previous game protagonist
    -Possibility to create your own scenes (haven't tested it)

    -Meh story
    -Very boring battle system
    -Corruption system pretty barebones and not well thought
    -Hair color and style not reflected in overworld and pixel art (Clothes do but you couldn't do a simple color change?
    -No replayability, you can get everything in one playthrough so no reason to come back
    -Sudden FPS drop during mid game, fixable by closing and reopening the exe

    Overall, a nice game with nice graphics. Try it out!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a 3- 3.5 average to good game (so round to 4 the biggest reason to reach the 3 stars) the quantity of clothing gives that and that’s really rare in a game, the bad: only matters in the pixel art, and the harassment. The other part is just spam the questions to reach the good answers, u can complete it whit general knowledge but have also Japanese culture that’s the tedious ones.

    Resume of what I "play"

    The bad:

    The part of the history is meh to boring

    The “Quiz” to get the scenes is just about to spam the answers all the time u want

    No corruption (you just pass the BJ to get fucked to one scene to other)

    U can just go naked from the start and there will be no reaction at all

    Weight 1.2GB For a more like a 1 hour game (Just by press skip)

    Is just to move the town and look for the pink hearts there's no gameplay

    The good:

    Have pixel art, and reacts to the clothing most of the times (have like 6 positions)

    have an insane quantity of clothes and accessories

    The clothing change your stand persona

    The clothing reacts to harassment and pixel art

    The art is okay

    Have 4 sexy characters (3 fuckeable- 1 masturbateable)

    Can skip with control (srry for that translator)

    Can unlock all the scenes from the collection room (so can avoid the tedious part)
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    The reviews left by Disarace and markconnor below pretty much sum up everything I wanted to say about this game, but I would like to add that I don't think the translation was bad at all. Seemed just as good as dazedanon's GPT translations. Obviously it's still a GPT MTL but it's far better than the review below me suggests. Totally understandable and easy to read. No poetry here.

    I played for a few hours, stopping after I realized that essentially all of the customization in this game is strictly lip-service. It's a facade, really, you can change up clothing and character customization in a whole slew of different ways but it has absolutely no impact on dialogue, NPCs react the same whether you're stark naked or dressed from head to toe.

    As others said, corruption is nonexistent, and there is really no build-up. I'm not sure why the dev kept referencing "progressive eroticism" in game descriptions, but it's not a thing. At best, maybe some dialogue changes after watching certain scenes, but after 2-3 hours of walking around this scene viewer I didn't see that happen.

    Yep. Scene viewer. I said it, it's a glorified scene viewer. The art is good, and I absolutely love the premise and the customization options, but this isn't really much of a game and all of that customization falls short when you understand that it doesn't affect anything at all.

    The most disappointing part of all of this is that the game fails to provide the premise it advertises most: "Progressive eroticism" aka corruption. There is none. The first scene I saw within about 2-3 minutes of starting the game was the MC having sex, and she didn't even really seem to care.

    Download it if the art piques your interest, skip the game and go straight to the recollection room. Some of the actual CGs were decent, but the rest of this is extremely forgettable. Like I said before, this is a glorified scene viewer, not a game.
