Cannot open the thread


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
You can't get permission for viewing blocked threads like that, it's usually because it broke some site rule. In this case though there is another game thread, Haunting Havens. Maybe there was just two made by accident.

...Checking your game request the game was already here.

Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
Jul 16, 2021
So Im trying to open this game thread
and it says I dont have permission to view the page. I read some rules etc. but didnt find any about premissions or such. Can someone explain what is this about, and how do I get permission if its possible

Yeah, some games on the Zone get yeeted out because they break some forum rule as TheBlueKnight had alluded to in his response.

One common reason why this occurs sometimes with certain games being taken down is because of violating "Rule 7"

That doesn't appear to be the case here with the game you cited (Haunting Havens), it was moreso a matter of a duplicate thread being opened up for that game that was later deleted I'm assuming.

Just so you know for future reference, if you come across any blocked threads, there might be some other forum rule violations that the game violated hence why it was taken down.